Tuesday, December 11, 2007


So the process has begun. I am trying to get everything ready for Alexis' birthday and Christmas and that includes the task of putting together toys. I thought I was doing so well till William came up to help me get together the last of the toys after three hours of slaving, twisting, cursing and even breaking a sweat William came into the room to help me finish one of the final toys I could tell from his face something was not right. "Um Kir, I do not think this is right where are the directions?" he said. I replied "behind you" he looked at the trash box and said "Why would you throw them away" I thought because I thought I had done a great job. As I dug though the box to find all the directions he started to take apart my work. I thought oops at least the girls did not use them before he fixed my handy work. So finally all the toys are together. Phew that was hard.

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