Monday, April 28, 2014

100 days of happiness

Today my girlfriend and I started 100 days of happiness. Each day you take a picture of something that makes you happy. Not many people finish this challenge, they get too busy, forget or just don't see the importance. How can we be too busy to take a minute and just capture one second of happiness in your day. I have many moments of happiness in a day but I feel like I miss many of them in how hectic my life gets. The homework that in making me re learn math, the crying boy because he is not getting his way, the carpools to get everyone to 30million activities they want to do and my job of being a short order cook that is an all day job.
So here is my day 1 of 100 hopefully I won't get too distracted, busy or just forget to take a moment to reflect on my happiness.

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