Monday, September 24, 2007

Life is so sweet

Finally I am rested. My parents kept the girls Saturday night and Alexis all day Sunday. I got some sleep Saturday night, but we went out to the club with some friends and got in kinda late, so not as much sleep as I need Saturday. Sunday I got so much done returned my broken Sony camera (Woo Hoo got 200.00 back and went and spent it on fun stuff), shopped for food, returned overdue library books (oops) and went to work. As I got ready for work Will was supposed to be unpacking the groceries but he accidentally left a package of steak in the car, when he went back out to get the drinks out of car, about 10 mins later, he found Princess had found the steak and was devouring it, oh well the doggy ate well, pretty funny. I worked a couple hours, I forgot my purse which is good so I did not buy any clothes but bad because I was so hungry as I drank my complimentary water with lemon I seriously considered stealing the left over pizza crusts off the plate on the next table, maybe still a little hungover even after 4 Excedrin you know how hungry you are after a night of drinking and fun. So when I got home I cooked steaks and cheeseburgers , yes I was that hungry that I made both and we had some good red wine with dinner, after dinner and some time with the girls I got in to bed started a new book which I am going to have to reread I was that tired. I fell sound asleep and did not hear from the girls again till 7:00am oh my gosh no kids in the bed, no dogs needing to go out, wow I feel so great like a new person and a better mom. Phew!

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