I am almost ready to buy a new camera and maybeeeee a computer but until then it ia throw away camera's and the old fashion away of taking them to get developed. Here are pictures of the girls on Alexis' first day of school. It was perfect weather cool and sunny.
William's latest artwork. She was so proud of his art work she showed anyone who would stop and look, they made it into a place mat for school. She got very upset that she had to leave it at school so he had to paint her another one the next day, she carries that one in her school bag with her every day.
On our way to school with her best friend, Princess Succotash.
In her classroom on the first day of school.
Pretending to be shy in front of the teacher, ha that's an act!
Some ungodly hour in the morning with this little stinker and she is loving it!

The weather is just amazing here in Virginia we have been going to the park and the lake almost every day after school. The girls love to swing together on the handicap swing it is so funny Emme has a horrified look on her face on the way up then breaks into laughter on the way back. The lake is so much fun it has a sandy beach and they get to swim, but we saw this huge aggressive Copperhead in the water now I am scared that one of the girls or the puppy will get bitten, so I have not been back.
Together on the swing, sisters are forever.
Wishing Well Park is Alexis and Emme's favorite playground. I think because of this cool swing.

Last night was bunco night needless to say I am a little tired. Alexis slept with us again which means it was a free for all of arms, legs and dogs. We are having a small party tonight. I can not figure out what to make for dinner either steak or pasta. There will be about eight kids they are getting macaroni and cheese!!! Alexis and I are going to make a cake for dessert after school then everyone is taking a nap so they can enjoy their friends tonight. Yep, I plan to be one of the people napping!
That is the most fabulous art work ever.
Just dropped in to say, "Hey!"
A wonderful post, what a beautiful family...Thanks for sharing.
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